You might have this herb growing in your garden. It is a member of the mint family and perennial . It produces long stems and tends to ramble on and on. The bushy leaves emit a pleasant lemon scent and adorable white flowers. Rub two leaves together in your fingers and smell the scent
This is Lemon Balm (Melissa officinales) I do not know what astrological planet corresponds to this herb according to Culpepper. I would hope Venus would control this herb. It is a favorite herbs among the honeybees.
Lemon Balm in addition to being an astringent and high in antioxidants , it is an antiviral herb. I feel it is essential to infuse two or three antiviral herbs and make a tea. Sip warm liquids throughout this time of COVID 19.
Drink Lemon Balm . It is also good to calm the nerves and stress that WE all have right now