NOVEMBER 20-22, 2020 HOPS

When you think of Hops, you might have know it is associated with bee. Others might think of it to treat anxiety and sleep disorders, Both are not wrong. Hops are commonly used orally for anxiety or sleep disorderss such as the inability to sleep or disturbed sleep due to rotating or nighttime work hours (shift work disorder), restlessness, tension, excitability, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), nervousness, irritability, and symptoms of menopause among other uses. But there is limited scientific evidence to support using hopes for any of these conditions.

Recently an article published in the HerbalGram of the American Botanical Council peeked my interest . Fuduka et al published a study about supplementation with matured hop bitter acids improves cognitive performance and mood state in healthy older adults with subjective cognitive decline. Others studies indicated that Hops was beneficial. In this study there were mixed results.

Clearly more needs to be studied . It was stated that “ Long-term studies are needed to assess MHBAs'( Mature Hops Bitter Acids ) effects on prevention or slowing of age-related cognitive decline and to avoid the learning and ceiling effects caused by repeating the same tests. More research on the role of the vagus nerve system in improving cognition is also required. “

I find all trials involving herbs need to be read by all including conventional (allopathic ) health care professionals. The studies should be noted . We should turn to Earth Mother more often for the common problems we see in the world.

Until tomorrow…