It is no wonder our colon is toxic. From the different foods we ingest with pesticides, and from the air we breathe, to the water we drink. Our colon takes a big hit. The “ gut” is the link to all chronic diseases. It is just one more thing overloading our immune system.

I suggest colonic therapy. I have utilized my colleague/friend Tracy Piper for years. She wrote a great book, The Piper Protocol for which I wrote the foward. Using colonics for healing purposes has been around for ages, This dates way back to Egyptian Times . In the 1700’s, colon ic therapy was a common practice in France . Today it has fallen out of favor with the conventional medical establishments.

During a colonic, the colonic walls are constantly flushed with purified water which removes hard fecal material and mucous. In the out pockets of the colon many bad bacteria, candida and even parasites hid out.

Even the conventional Merck Manual had coffee enemas described in their book until 1984. The famous Dr Max Gerson introduced coffee colonics into his cancer therapy practice in the 1930’s I still recommend these coffee enemas today.

A regular fleets enema does NOT do the job. It only cleans the last 6 inches of the colon. A colonic does it better and more beneficial to your health.

Until tomorrow…