Did you know that the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin is made in the gut and travels to the brain by pathways connecting the brain to the gut. The connection between ‘ the gut’ and the neurotransmitters has bene studied extensively in the last five years.
Healing the ‘ gut’ can improve your mood. Also the ingestion of food that boost serotonin are numerous. Serotonin plays a crucial role in regulating mood and also in promoting feelings of wellbeing and positivity.
Although some sources of boosting serotonin involve animal protein I rather use plant based tryptophan sources to boost serotonin. Butternut squash and sea vegetables can be used . Veggies like kelp, seaweed, and spirulina are all fantastic sources of tryptophan, that ever-essential amino acid. These veggies contain about 3 percent of daily tryptophan value There is a tree nut that has been discussed many times It is the Walnut. Walnuts are an incredible source of polyunsaturated fats, omega-6 fatty acids, and can reduce bad cholesterol. Walnuts also improve metabolism and can help control diabetes. They are quite high in tryptophan at .10 grams per ounce.
Get happy and consume at one of these foods.
Until tomorrow