In the last 5 years , the new addition of medications to treat HIV and to prevent HIV has been remarkable. I look back to the days when as a young physician we had only AZT. The first medication to prevent HIV in a negative patient who uses safe sexual practices was TRUVADA. Topday with less impact on markers of renal function and bone mineral density BMD—we have DESCOVY

DESCOVY for PREP must be prescribed only to patients confirmed to be HIV negative immediately prior to initiation of the medicine

It is insurance covered like Truvada. There was great efficacy in those patients who switched, as well as the above benefits.

The tablet is smaller and demonstrated safer profile through primary analysis.

Still today the greatest impact on HIV is in education. The company Gilead who produces both medications, TRUVADA and DESCOVY, has been one of the leading educators of HIV in all of its aspects. Kudos to Gilead

Until tomorrow..