It is all about sugar It is a New Year —- so elininate sugar from your diet

In today's world, sugar is everywhere, often lurking in places you'd least expect. From your morning cup of coffee to the dressing on your salad, it's a pervasive ingredient that can have significant implications for your health. Opting to cut sugar out of your diet not only supports weight management but also boosts energy levels and reduces the risk of chronic diseases..

You must get rid of soda and bottled drinks as ice tea if thewyr congtain sugar Soda is a major source of added sugars in a lot of diets, contributing to weight gain, insulin resistance, and dental problems. Sparkling water serves as an excellent alternative, offering the same fizzy satisfaction without the sugar crash

Despite their healthy image, fruit juices are often loaded with added sugars and lack the fiber that whole fruits provide. Fiber is crucial for slowing sugar absorption and increasing satiety, which can help manage weight and improve digestive health Try to eliminate or cut down on high glycemic fruits. For example, fruits with high sugar content include pineapples, grapes, watermelon, papaya, and mangoes. You can still have them but have less. Out these fruits in a bowl in a bowl with fruits as berries, apples, and kiwis Mix up the fruits

Refined sugars and artificial sweeteners can be hard to avoid, but switching to natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit offers a healthier alternative. You can honey and maple syrup which have a low glycemic index. For me , honey is the best ( I am partial as a beekeeper)

Lastly the most important meal of the day is BREAKFAST. Breakfast is often dubbed the most important meal of the day, yet many common breakfast foods are high in added sugars. Items like flavored yogurts, cereal, and store-bought granola can start your day with a sugar spike Instead have an egg with spinach, a plain greek yogurt or even sardines.

,Having a sugar-free breakfast can also include adding protein and healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, and avocados, to keep you feeling full longer. This not only helps in reducing cravings

You can do this

Until tomorrow…