If you didn't know this, chocolate is made from plants. It always comes back to the plants. Chocolate has the same health benefits as eating dark leafy green vegetables. Chocolate has a type of antioxidants called polyphenols which are also found in green tea and red wine. Dark chocolate contains many antioxidants such as flavonoids which protect the body from free radical damage. There are 8 times more antioxidants in dark chocolate than strawberries

Studies have shown that dark chocolate reduces blood pressure. The polyphenols found in chocolate also inhibit platelets from clumping, thus causing less incidence of atherosclerosis. Yes, there are fats in chocolate but these fats are good and similar to those found in olive oil. These fats are oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid.

I would love to eat dark chocolate very day, but there are those calories to watch for. If you eat dark chocolate every day then you must balance out some of the other calories. I like people to enjoy life, so two - three small squares is fine to just help the sweet tooth cravings. The problem today is that dark chocolate has increased amounts of lead and cadmium Check out the brand you buy

So how much is enough. The Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a report that adding only half an ounce of dark chocolate to the average American diet is enough to increase total anti-oxidant capacity by 4% and lessen LDL cholesterol.

Do not forget that chocolate does contain a bit of caffeine in the substance theobromine. Some individuals are sensitive to chocolate and have reactions like palpitations or extra heart beats. Theobromine elevates moods as does the other substance in chocolate called phenethylamine. This substance releases endorphins.

Until tomorrow