As a beekeeper and President of the American Ap[itherapy Society I am very involved in all products of the hive. Honey has been used for thousands of years for its health benefits. Today, the use of honey is especially important, not only for health but for the conservation of the bee population Honey has medicinal properties. Several studies have shown that high-quality honey holds many important antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and organic acids like flavonoids

As a cardiologist I love honey This year I extracted 220 lbs from my beehives Honey can help your heart health in multiple ways. The antioxidants help to protect your heart and guard you against having a heart attack. It does this by reducing oxidative stress on your heart and preventing clots.
Honey may also help your arteries to dilate, increasing your blood flow

Honey promotes wound healing Over 20 studies found honey beneficial to healing wounds, especially those infected after surgery. Some studies reported a 97% success rate of honey in healing diabetic ulcer

Eating raw, local honey may help your seasonal pollen allergies. Some studies suggest that eating local honey may reduce congestion and ease some allergies. This may be due to the pollen that gets collected by the bees and mixed with honey in small amounts so that your body can train itself or sensitize itself against allergies

Honey has a low glycemic index and can be consumed by diabetics. It also increases your own production of melatonin so it can be used to assist you in sleeping

Lastly JOIN the AAS ( American Apitherapy Society ) DONATE

Until tomorrow…