Who doesn't suffer from aches and pains ? We all do at one time in our life. Whether it is a neck sprain, a back ache or some muscle inflammation. For most of America it is so easy to buy over-the-counter (OTC) remedies as Motrin, Naprosyn or Alleve. For others it is easier to call their doctor and get a prescription for another non steroidal, as Meloxicam (also known as Mobic). There is an easier approach. First is to change to an anti-inflammatory diet. This includes few, if any processed carbohydrates, as breads and pastas. It has less high glycemic (high sugar) fruits and vegetables. It also means less red meat. This is not a diet but rather a dietary lifestyle.
The second step is to start to exercise a little more. Move those muscles. Walk to work or walk to the nearest train station. If you drive to work, then walk outside during your lunch break if weather is permitting. It means stop being a couch potato at your work desk. It means you need to be motivated. This is a lifestyle change.
The third step is to investigate supplements and herbs that are used against inflammation . These might include Omega 3 fish oils, Primrose oils, MSM, Proteolytic enzymes , and Cetylmyistolate. The herbs that might be helpful for your aches and pains include Ginger, Turmeric and Boswellia. You might be saying Boswellia what? It is a common herb that many do not use because few know anything about it. There is lots of information on Boswellia. Boswellia serata is derived from a tree that grows in a dry climate such as in India. An exudate in the plant is called Oleogum resin . This resin is used in Ayurvedic medicine where it is called Salai Guggal.
Boswellia does reduce joint pain and swelling. It is a non-steroidal. I feel it especially works on joint flexibility. The acids within the compound are great for protecting the joint connective tissue. There are no side effects from Boswellia. It is catching on as the studies now indicate that this herb is great for arthritis. Studies did compare Boswellia to a well known anti inflammatory called Ketoprofen. Boswellia was found to improve blood supply to the affected areas which is vital. It has been used in rheumatoid arthritis. This past Monday I saw a woman with new onset mild rheumatoid arthritis. She already has been prescribed steroids and now Plaquenil. There was no discussion from the rheumatologist as to decrease the patients gluten products. Since she did feel better off gluten ( 80% of all autoimmune diseases do better without gluten), Boswellia would be an excellent choice for such a patient with no side effects or interactions with her conventional methods. The action of Boswellia is similar to non steroidal anti inflammatory conventional drugs.
So wouldn't you rather take an herb rather than a drug? I know I would and I DO! Oh yes, I forget the most important aspect of Boswellia versus a non steroidal. The non steroidals as Motrin and Alleve are prone to cause gastric ulcer bleeding.
Until tomorrow…