WE all know that glucose is another name for sugar. Every morning I listen to a podcast called Feel Better Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee. Although I am older we have the same philosophy. His podcasts are engaging and real. His guest this morning was Jessie Inchauspe. She is the author of the book Glucose Revolution. and the Glucose Goddess Method The book discusses how sugar affects your mood and stress. It also affects your hormones. She has reviewed all the literature as well as discussed her 4 week plan on social media. She recruited volunteers. I say volunteers as these are not patients as she is not a medical doctor. After listening to her podcast she should be a doctor., She knows more than most of the conventional endocrinologists I know. She knows a lot about food and what spikes your blood sugar
She broke down the science in her discussion with Dr Chatterjee on the podcast She made it simple for patients She wants to educate and empower people. She discusses why glucose is our body’s favorite energy source. She communicated so well on this podcast I forwarded it to many forwarded I know . She discussed why eating a vegetable first on a dinner plate before protein is best. Then eat the protein and save the complex carbo/simple carb ( if it on your plate ) for last, This way you are full by the time it comes to the carbohydrates and you will theoretically eat less Excess sugar or starch rich food causes blood sugar spikes which affects your whole day.
I encourage you to listen to the Podcast and buy her latest book about sugar, The Glucose Goddess Method. You will love it !!
Until tomorrow…