If you are not familiar with Yung Pueblo— you ought to be . He is a poet, meditator and speaker. I relate to him as we both are in recovery .

Diego Perez is the poet and philosopher behind the pen name Yung Pueblo. The name Yung Pueblo means 'young people' and it serves to remind him of his Ecuadorian roots, his experiences in activism and that the collective of humanity is in the midst of important growth.

As I was reading his book “ Lighter” I reflected on my book “ The Doctor’s Confession” ( under the pen name Michael Fredericks, MD ) He discusses so many topics but when he discussed radical honesty I read with an intense feeling. He writes “ The path of lies leads to two primary manifestations - anxiety and anger “ This is so true. As an addict you begin to believe your lies and you forget who you told what . It is the tangled web we weave as addicts By beginning to tell the truth is the beginning of true inner harmony

I would suggest to start reading books by Yung Pueblo. His writing focuses on the power of self-healing, creating healthy relationships, and the wisdom that comes when we truly work on knowing ourselves

Buy a copy of “ LIGHTER “ Read it with a nice cup of your favorite tea. Embrace the words. Ponder, think and reflect

Until tomorrow…