This past weekend the American Apitherapy Society ( AAS) had its CMACC conference. The society has not had a meeting since 2019. It was held in Parsippany New Jersey May 19-21, 2023

It was a success. We had 50 participants from different parts of the United States as well as Mexico, Brazil , and Europe In attendance were acupuncturists, apitherapists and beekeepers.

The lectures were Bee Venom and Lyme Disease, Clean Products of the Hive, Micro stinging, Healing Wounds with Honey and Bee Air Therapy , NYC Beekeeping as well as Keynote on Apitherapy by Frederique Keller. L Ac

There were many discussions among participants especially about Propolis. What is Propolis ? Propolis, referred to as bee glue, is produced by bees in the construction and maintenance of their hives. Bees produce propolis using a combination of beeswax and saliva, where it acts as the defense mechanism for the hive . To date, propolis has been extensively researched in thousands of scientific papers on its bioactivity and health benefits The protective immune defense and antioxidant properties of propolis come from the bioactive phytochemicals’ constituents. Multiple compounds have been identified in propolis and differ based on the location of production. The compounds in propolis include phenolic acids, flavonoids, esters, diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, lignans, aromatic aldehydes, alcohols, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals

Reported health benefits such as improved immunity, lowered blood pressure, treated allergies and skin conditions. I used propolis during the COVID pandemic to prevent covid infection. I used propolis for individuals who wanted added protection during the COVID epidemic The exact composition of a propolis sample will vary between hives, location and seasons.

One book discussed at the last EAS bee conference was Propolis Natural Medicine by Antanas Gendrolis I highly recommend obtaining this book

Until tomorrow…