MARCH 30, 2023 AWE

On my morning podcast Feel Better Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee I listened to his conversation with Dr Dacher Keltner. I am leaving for Chicago tonight and I needed a book to read on the plane. I have plenty of books at home . I listened to both men discuss Awe- those moments we might take for granted- Awe Moments

I listened them discuss Birth and Death and the chapters in Keltner’s book “ The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life- Awe is an emotion that’s all around us —waiting to be discovered. I know about AWE but I needed a reminder.Being sober almost 29 years I know how to recognize an AWE moment - cherish it , keep it and rediscover it at any time

Dachner defines AWE as our response to powerful things that are obsure, vast and mysterious. I listened to him discuss his brotjhers death . I then listened to Rangan discuss his mother’s health and her current changes. Tears flowed from my eyes. Rangan is a younger version of me. I feel I am a dinosaur in the field of Integrative Medicine as Drs Heyman, Bland, Weil and many others. I have been doing this type of medicine for nearly thirty years.

I have had many awe moments. I had one this past weekend with my grandson, Matthew and I in the museums of Washington DC. I realized I experience AWE everyday - some things are good things and some are bad- but not really bad. I am here to help people So what did I do… I bought the book to read on the plane

You will want to buy it too.. I hope one day to be a guest of Dr Chatterjee

Until tomorrow..