look forward to Spring and Summer due to the amount of flowers in my garden Some of them have been grown in my greenhouse and when warmer I transplant them to my garden I grow many species of flowers . For me spending time in the gardens with my bees is most serene and peaceful Some flowers can even be eaten

One such flower is the Marigold ( Tagetes erecta) It is s9milar to Calendula ( Calendula officinales ) Both these flowers are edible Calendula’s flowers, especially the petals, are edible with a slightly peppery taste. Calendula is used in many herbal preparations for the skin

Both of these flowers have culinary use. I add some to my salad in the summer Its pigment is so potent that it is used as a coloring and a substitute for saffron. Its fresh and young buds can be eaten and added to various salads.

Dandelion and Red clover can also be eaten Many people know about this. One flower that is edible is in my fresh pond every year It is the Lotus Flower ( Nelumbo nucifera ) is an edible plant from its roots , stem, flower , leaves and seeds . These parts are often chopped and cooked into stir fries and soups. Ground lotus petals are steeped into tea to relieve fever while its root extract is traditionally used for treating lung diseases. 

So read about Edible Fowers and start growing and tasting the flowers in your garden

Until tomorrow