MARCH 21, 2023 DIET

It was not until 2001 that Dr. Walter Willet talked about the olive oil rich diet. That was 22 years ago It was initially described after World War II by an American scientist Ancel Keys, pHD. He developed the famous K ration while working for the US Department of Agriculture. Willet's book is pictured above: Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating

There is no one diet for all. The Mediterranean diet is a popular diet based on traditional diets of Italy, Greece and the island of Crete. The diet is high in olive oil and emphasizes vegetables. I do not agree with the grains of this diet. I believe this diet could be done gluten free . In addition red meat is recommenced 2-3 ounces per day which I am not in favor of. I feel a diet should be individualized. I like aspects of this diet, but I want a low glycemic lifestyle. The diet also suggests moderate amounts of red wine. This is great for the heart, but not for the 'gut' (small intestine) as wine is high in sugar and has yeast. This aspect could be debated for years. I like the freshness of the diet. Fish (low in mercury of course) is great. Fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants are great. Beans, lentils, peas and certain fruit are alright. The dairy part for me is controversial.

I also look at the individuals Blood Type This is based on colleague/friend Dr Peter D’Adamo book Eat Right for your Blood Type. I feel people should avoid the inflammatory foods for their blood type

The olive oil in the diet reduces oxidative stress and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

A new study reported that Co enzyme Q10 added to a diet rich in olive oil like the Mediterranean diet helped reduce both the oxidative stress and inflammatory response in elderly men and women. It was a small study group of 20 patients (10 women and 10 men). This is no surprise to me as I use Co enzyme Q10 on all patients, especially my heart patients. I also utilize D ribose and L carnitine.This combination leads to optimal cardiovascular health as well as neurological health

Until tomorrow…