As President of the AAS I am cordially inviting yiou to attend our conference May 19- 21, 2023 in beautiful Parsippany, New Jersey at the Embassy Suites by Hilton . I have been a board member of the 501 C for more than 10 years . If you cannot attend please donate
This year we are including our Live Bee Sting Workshop with the two-day registration.
Our speakers are versed, well known, and dynamic! For more information and registration options:
1.Andrew Cote: President New York City Beekeepers.
2.Dr. Dennison: Beekeeper, Apitherapist and speaker.
3.Dr. Patrick Fratellone: President American Apitherapy Society, Cardiologist.
4. Kristine Jacobson: Beekeeper & apitherapist,
5. Dr. Petrusia Kotlar: Vice President American Apitherapy, Chiropractor, beekeeper.
6. Marina Marchese: International Best-selling author, American honey Tasting Society.
7. Michael Szakacs: Beekeeper & apitherapist.
Keynote Speaker: Frederique Keller, DOM, L.Ac “The Role of Apitherapy in Integrative Medicine