Knowing your blood type not only can be lifesaving in an emergency but it could shed light into your health. “ Eat Right for Your Blood Type by Dr Peter D’Adamo , ND was written more than decades ago. The letters A B and O represent various forms of the ABO gene which programs blood cells differently to form the different blood types, A, B, AB and O We do know Blood type O is the universal donor .It is also the blood type that would be affected by cholera where as blood type A and B are more prone to blood clot .

As far as foods there are good, neutral and avoid foods for each blood type I am a Blood Type O and I must avoid dairy, gluten, and peanuts Type O blood does well with all meats except pork. Type O does do well with avocados which is too bad as Ilove avocados. Each blood type in Dr D’Adamo’s book is carefully written, consie and well understood.

This past weekend I attended the Integrative Health Symposium in New York. I was more than proud to be present while David Brady ND handed Dr Petrer D’Adamo an award of excellence in the field of medicine foir his work of more than 25 years of service. It was not only for his NY Times best selling books for more than two decades, but for him as an example of what a doctor should be

Dr Peter D’Adamo is a friend/colleague who touches hearts and changes lives I am proud to know him

Until tomorrow…