In recent years we have heard the term ‘ Superfoods’ I often think of blueberries as a superfoods. There are many tropical superfoods that also come to mind One is Alma and the is Soursop also known as Paw Paw. Whether from Asia or the dense rainforests there are tropical superfoods in this world These have delicious flavors and chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
One fruit from Central America is Dragon Fruit known as Pitahaya It is rich in Vitamin C like Alma. It has many medical benefits
as boosting the immune system It reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer. The black seeds consumed within the fruit are a good source of fat and protein It has been shown to fight aging skin and helps with hair loss There are even studies revealing benefits for Cardiovascular Disease.
There are many other fruits with simliar medical benefits as Goji Berries, Acai Berries, Alma , Soursop and many more
Until tomorrow…