As the month of October approaches we start to think about pumpkins ( Cucurbita pepo )and the Halloween holiday. The seeds of the garden pumpkin are cultivated in many forms.The seed of the Far East has medicinal benefits. Where in the Far East these seeds are chewed there is a definite less incidence of prostate disease, The oil of this seed contains many active constituents as beta sitosterol, tocopherols and cucurbitacins.

It has been established through readings and research that only one variety of this pumpkin seed has medicinal value. It is known as Granufink in a preparation .The action consists of increased tonicity of the bladder muscles combined with relaxation of the sphincter. You get decongestion of the prostate and relief in prostatism. There are no known side effect to this preparation. You administers 1-2 tablespoons in cold foods . The same preparation is in another formula called Prosta Capsules. I use a ProstaTone tincture as well as nettle root tea combined with oatstraw and other herbs as saw palmetto. I have seen other herbalists use saw palmetto with echinacea.

There are many herbal treatments for prostate disease that are useful. I would seek out a formula that is right for you

Until tomorrow…