Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world and for good reason. It has a ton of health benefits that include reducing inflammation, cancer and diabetes support and improving brain function. For years I have discussed the benefits of green tea ( Camilla sinensis ) Americans do not drink nearly as much green tea as in other parts of the world.

There are bullet point statements about green tea that will make you want to start drinking 1- 3 cups per day.

  1. Supports healthy weight loss

  2. Support good blood glucose levels

  3. Can reduce arthritis symptoms

  4. Prevention of cancer

  5. Can reduce inflammation of the body

  6. Helps lower blood total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels

  7. Can improve cognition and support memory

  8. Can help reduce anxiety

There have been numerous peer review article in journals that have supporting all of the above bullet points. I recommend drinking one to three cups a day ( which is a lot lower than is consumed in China ) You can also consume a high quality green tea capsule with higher than 75 % of the active ingredient EGCG ( a polyphenol ) I promote herbal teas for many of the chronic disease that WE all suffer from in this toxic world.

Until tomorrow…