Herbs used for the liver and digestive tracts can be divided into categories. This categorization was unheard of when I studied medicines. I feel it is a better way to breakdown the role of the liver and the medicines or plants that can be used. This classification was used when I learned Botanical Medicine. The six categories are:
1. Aromatic bitters
2. Cholagogues
3. General liver tonic
4. Constitutional tonics
5. Liver 'purgatives'
6. Simple bitters
Credit for my learning goes to 7Song ( colleague/friend/mentor - Northeast School of Botanical Medicine Ithaca NY ) I have his teaching of hepatic herbs very useful in my medical practice. There are many symptoms of liver ailments. I can apply my knowledge of different herbs in these categories to the individual’s particular ailment. For example, for the alcoholic or drug addict who has abused their liver for so many years, I would consider milk thistle, artichoke, turmeric and chicory. These are the herbs I think of for detoxifying.
When the liver really needs to purge toxins and needs a good 'kickstart' I would use Mayapple or Poke, but would use caution as I have seen some of these remedies ' back fire'
The more knowledge you have about your patient, both medically, socially, psychologically and financially - the better the choice can be made. It always helps me in choosing the specific herb. I am intuitive about this.
Until tomorrow...