For the last year I have consumed Blueberry Juice from Weyman’s every day. I love it. I can’t describe how good I feel, and I love the taste. America has been on a juice craze for the last 10 years. The consumption of the celery juice has more than tripled due to Anthony Williams’ best seller , The Medical Medium (and his other books) I advocate celery juice for EBV ( Epstein Barr Virus) infection. For the last two years due to the COVID pandemic (and the use of vaccinations/boosters) there has been an increase in the reactivation of EBV in most individuals. Celery juice must be consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Please consult the Medical Medium (or one of his practitioners) I have found that celery juice can reduce your blood pressure.
The other two juices that reduce blood pressure are beet and pomegranate . Beetroot is rich in nitrates which the body converts to nitric oxide which dilates (relaxes) blood vessels. In addition, beetroot is rich in fiber and contains potassium. Pomegranate juice also contains potassium which lowers blood pressure. Because of a healthy conscious America, you can find both juices in your local grocery store.
Until tomorrow…