This is one supplement that is essential for good health. Magnesium is needed for good sleep, nerve function and even for regulating your own bowel function. There are ways to tell if you are magnesium deficient.
We all feel tired . This could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Getting more magnesium is easy ( you could always get an intravenous drip at our offices in NYC or CT ) There are many foods that contain magnesium as leafy greens, nuts and seeds and even whole grains
The most common complaint I hear that I hear from patients is leg cramps or leg twitching. Magnesium helps to regulate nerve impulses. It also helps anxiety if the twitching is due to your stress levels. The next most common complaint that points to magnesium deficiency are headaches and migraines. Although there are causes of both—you must think of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential in over 200 biochemical reactions in the body and has been linked to both headaches and migraines. Personally, I love herbs for migraines as peppermint, butterbur, and Jamaican dogwood.
Lastly some individuals use magnesium to help get a better night’s sleep. Sleep is very important and underrated We should be discussing sleep more often. Magnesium, calcium and B6 are great for a proper night’s sleep. Of note, 1 teaspoon of raw honey increases one’s own melatonin production—so try honey before bed
Until tomorrow…