This two-toned flower changes its color from pink into rose red , violet and blue as it matures, It is beautiful to see. Lungwort ( Pulmonaria officinalis) has dotted leaves which gives a fascinating polka dot look.

Becuase its latin name offcinalis it has medicinal use as well as culinary uses. It goes well in a salad and should be in your edible garden bed

Historically its use goes back to the Bulbonic Plaque in the 1300’s It weas used to treat asthma and respiratory concerns. It is stated in folklore that it can tell who a witch is. It is harvested in spring when the medicinal properties are strong. It is used as a whole died plant or tincture. I use it in a tea blend mixture for lung problems. Itg has been used for skin problems, an eyewash for dry eyes, hemorrhoids, palpitations, and digestiuve problems.

I combine it with elderberry , horehound and elecampane

Call Botanical Bounty for your bag of Lungwort at 646 723 1823

Until tomorrow…