Untreated Lyme Disease can produce a wide variety of symptoms. I have many patients that were never treated for Lyme as they didn’t know they were bit. Also, there are another group of patients who were treated inadequately . Some got a negative test from a conventional lab which is actuality was positive
The symptoms for Lyme disease vary depending on the stage of infection. Treatment is generally more effective in early stages of the disease, so it’s critical to get the right diagnosis.
Both at Fratellone Medical Associates and Connecticut Integrative Medical Center I utilize the Stony Brook, IgenX and Vibrant Labs to make the correct diagnosis. I prefer Vibrant as I test for more species of Lyme
The treatment varies . We utilize herbal remedies, IV support bee venom therapy and Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy ( SOT) We have excellent results. You must remember that getting healthy is not solely about killing the bug. We discuss other factors as optimizing sleep, discussing mental and emotional issues, as well as optimizing hydration, nutritional and microbiome support.
Recovery from chronic Lyme takes a multidisciplinary approach New tools continue to emerge, and WE are on top of it.