Within days of my birth ( June 16th 1960)- was Father's Day June 19th 1960. I was a gift to my father. My brother was a gift to my parents on Mother's Day one year later. Father's Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June. It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children's lives. Its origins may lie in a memorial service held for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, West Virginia in 1907.

In my years I have celebrated my birthdate on Father's Day - In 2005 it was the last Father’s Day/ my birthday that I celebrated with my dad

In order to grow, you must forgive, I am blessed with the ability to forgive others for the pain they have caused me. I can forgive family, friends, and past 'love' relationships. In my practice I see many who have not forgiven their parents. Given who my parents were, where they came from, and the forces they were up against in the late 1950 and 1960's, I know they were doing their best they could. I have compassion and understanding for the parents they were. How could I not ? I am their son. I also loved them then and even today as they are no longer with me. . Every circumstance between a child and their parents is different ! I am a father of adult children. I am truly humbled and loved by my children Being a father is the greatest profession.

In 28 years of my sober/spiritual journey I have turned my breathing to transform negative energy into love. I have performed rituals of forgiveness thus releasing my resentments. In 1994 in my 30-day rehab I wrote in large letters on large colored construction paper my resentments. I then put them in the flames of a burning log. What a relief -

I have learned that I can say anything to anybody, good or bad as long as I put these three words after what I say - the three little words are not I love you, but instead Bless their heart.

Today On my 62 nd birthday I can say I am very blessed, grateful and happy man

Until tomorrow