We live in a toxic world. I have always said that and I truly believe. Whether the toxin is certain foods to mold to plastic or even EMFs—we live in a world full of toxins. I see patients every day that are sick from environmental toxins. While certain individuals, such as those with allergies or genetic predispositions to asthma, may be more sensitive to mold there continues to be mounting evidence that mold has detrimental effects on human health. When an individual has a persistent cough or recurrent sinusitis I check for the presence of mold using specialized kits. Based on the type of mold and its toxins, I treat to detoxify the mold.
The next biggest problem is exposure to certain glyphosates. Glyposate is a common herbicide used to control broadleaf grasses and weeds. These are present in fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides which you use on your lawn and garden. In addition to being toxic to you causing various health problems, these are toxic to all insects. This is a major cause in the loss of honeybees throughout the United States. It was the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder ( caused loss of bees) about 10 years ago. Glyphosate can pose long-term health issues, including liver and kidney damage, reproductive issues, development problems, and pregnancy risks. I test for all of these compounds if present in your body using specialized kits Glyphosate is also present in some foods you might regularly consume. In particular, oats tend to be one of the more debated food sources of glyphosate.
Another toxin present is EMFs EMFs (electromagnetic fields) are all around us. They come from wifi, power lines, our computers, electrical appliances, and more. And just because we can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there, silently and negatively impacting our health. You must protect yourself from EMFs For LIMITING EXPOSURE , make sure to avoid keeping your phone in your pocket or on your nightstand as you sleep. In fact, many experts recommend keeping your cellphone and wifi in a separate room from your bedroom. Even the headphones we all use emit EMFs A study further linked low-level EMF use over a long period of time with an increased risk of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Be aware and Be present in your life
Until tomorrow…