Since the pandemic there have been many articles citing the benefits if zinc. I am a avid zinc lover. Most of my patients take zinc during the cold and flu season. Zinc is required for many enzyme reactions in the body as well as a trace mineral to balance your thyroid. You can obtain zinc from your food
There are many foods that are high in zinc. Zinc supports the immune system, and assists in healing , especially the skin ( the largest organ in the body) One food containing high amounts of zinc are oysters. This may not be for everyone.
The next top three choices for high dose zinc are beef, chicken and lamb. Of note, chicken is high in zinc when cooked with the skin on. Lamb is an excellent choice for zinc as well as iron and its B vitamins.
For those that are vegetarians, a great source of zinc are pumpkin seeds and cashews. Pumpkin seeds are also high is phosphorous which is needed for cell membrane integrity. Pumpkin seeds also contain a good amount of potassium, magnesium, copper, selenium and manganese. I love cashews as a on-the-go healthy snack or to put on your salad. I prefer the raw or unsalted cashews.
Three herbs that are rich in zinc are garlic, gingko and ginseng. Garlic also contains high amounts of Vitamin C and within the Lily Family as onions and chives. Zinc is great for cognition and supporting memory. Ginseng in zinc supplements is safe , effective and can improve memory and focus.
So if you are not good about taking supplements then get your zinc from your food
Until tomorrow…