There are many supplements i take on a daily basis. Some might think it is excessive and some might say it is not enough. I try to review the literature at every chance I get. Keeping up with new developments in Cardiovascular Diseases, Integrative Medicine and Botanical Medicine is not an easy task but I do it . I take my omega 3 oils every day.
Marine omega 3 fatty acids are effective in p[reventing cardiovascular and coronary events especially in person with a high cardiovascular risk. In a recent study published in the Townsend letter, it was found that supplementation with omega 3 is an important prevention measure on cardiovascular risk. There is almost an inverse relationship between the amount of omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular risk
Since cardiovascular disease is still the Number 1 killer in the United States for both men and women I feel taking omega 3 fatty acids should be done by every individual. Yes dietary lifestyle changes and exercise changes are important too, but take an omega 3 in addition to the diet and exercise changes. Reducing cardiovascular risk can be decreased by implementing meditation/yoga, starting a hobby and reducing anger and resentments as well
Until tomorrow…