Today, the majority of cancers are found out too late, and the results are too often deadly. The unscreened cancers drive the majority of cancer deaths in the United States.
The earlier that cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chance of successful treatment and survival There are several cancer types, such as breast, colorectal, prostate and lung can be detected through screening tests. However, the majority of cancer deaths each year are from cancers with no routine screening, So what do you do >
We are now offering the Galleri test which is for multi-cancer early detection. This is what the test can do:
can detect many of the unscreened cancer that cause 71 % of cancer deaths
Detects a cancer signal across more than 50 types of cancer with a low false positive rate of 0.5 %
Predicts where the cancer originated with high accuracy to help guide next steps to make a definitive diagnosis
It is simple and easy- a blood draw
An example of some of the cancers detected are carcinoma of the appendix, bile duct carcinoma, colon and rectum, anal, lung, small intestine, pancreas and many more
Call our office in NYC 212 421 3202 or in CT 203 717 1339 today to set up your Galleri test. This test can save your life