burn is an injury to the tissue of the body caused by a chemical, radiation or electricity., Serous burns must always be seen by a doctor. Minor burns can be seen by a nurse or can be treated without medical attention.

There are many treatments some of which you never heard of. I love the folklore remedies like crushed blueberries, honey, or a raw potato applied directly to the burn for instant relief. The most common is to immerse the area in cool water for 10 minutes. You then can use drops of St. John's wort.

The herbs that can be used include aloe vera, marigold tincture (which is calendula) and even echinacea tincture. Some essential oils that may be used are lavender and geranium oil in a liter of cooled water that was first boiled. The homeopathic remedies have the #1 product that most people are used to. This is arnica. Urtica and hypericum and even aconite can be used. The one Bach remedy that should be used to calm the nerves is Rescue Remedy.

I was recently sent an email about using egg whites for burns. In my research I have never seen this in the scientific literature. For me it doesn't have to be in scientific literature, but I found it in no herbal, homeopathic or flower essence textbook either. The directions are to spread the egg white over the burned area after it has been cooled in cold (not freezing) water. This was due to the collagen in the egg whites.

I would rather do the other remedies which I am comfortable with and not try egg whites just yet.

Until tomorrow...