There are many useful nutrients for the lungs. The most useful are the omega 3 fatty acids. These can be derived from food sources as fish, flax, eggs, walnuts, cod liver oil and chia seeds. You must have your veggies and fruits to get ascorbic acid or Vitamin C.Get plenty of Vitamin A ( beta carotene and beta carotene) from carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, papaya and peppers.
As far as herbs for the lungs. One of my favorite herbs for lung health is Lungwort. There are many herbs for cough/flu as elderberry, horehound and elecampane
If you do not like spinach for the folate ( folic acid) then eat some other dark leafy greens. You can also have asparagus, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, and lima beans
The vitamin of the last decade is Vitamin D. You need to get fish oils in the diet if you do not like fish.
You must also have a good quality fish without mercury.
I would suggest
Eat sardines, mackerel and herring
As we age we need more dietary calcium from leafy greens, peas, beans, brazil nuts, hazelnuts and sesame seeds.
The only food source for bromelain is the pineapple
Until tomorrow…