To reduce inflammation and support the immune system I recommend the following:
1. High doses of Vitamin D- I usually recommend 5,000 to 10,000 per day depending on the level measured
2. Try to get more sleep. The body regenerates itself especialy during REM
3. Exercise more
4. Cut back on simple refined carbohydrates
5. Consider starting some medicinal mushrooms as Coriolus versicolor, Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum. A good blend of mushrooms totaling 1.6 grams is suggested. I woudl suggest you read ' Mycelium Running." by Paul Staments. - He is in my main the Mushroom Man. I take My Community every day
6. There are excellent herbs as anti inflammatory - these are ginger, tumeric and boswellia. I utilize fresh ginger and tumeric. If you like boswellia use 750mg - 1500mg/day
7. Drink a cup of our ACHEY tea that helps with inflammation Chock Full of herbs
Call Botanical Bounty at 646 723 1823
Until tomorrow