We as Americans are fixated on our cholesterol. As an educator I constantly tell patients and students that the cholesterol isn’t the number that bothers me. It is the high triglycerides and low good cholesterol ( HDL- high density lipoprotein.

Many doctors prescribe statins conventional drugs for high cholesterol. I prescribe a dietary lifestyle change, exercise prescription and supplements. I use artichoke, omega oils, and bergamot. A recent study published in Nutrients 2021 looked at globe artichoke and bergamot for reducing lipids levels Results concluded that these supplements work

Per the study , “ Results agree with previous studies showing bergamot orange's lipid-modulating effects, in particular when combined with other ingredients and/or as a phytosome formulation. This RCT reports clinically relevant changes in LDL-c, HDL-c, FM, and VAT with BOP/ALE supplementation, potentially reducing risks of CVD, T2D, and other metabolic diseases. Interestingly, the authors attribute BOP's reductions in TC and LDL-c to its "preservation of the natural and unique bouquet of the fruit juice polyphenols fraction."

So you don’t always need a drug to lower cholesterol. It takes a dedicated physician-patient relationship. The study was published in the American Botanical Council’s Hebralgram

Riva A, Petrangolini G, Allegrini P, et al. Artichoke and bergamot phytosome alliance: A randomized double blind clinical trial in mild hypercholesterolemia. Nutrients. December 27, 2021;14(1):108. doi: 10.3390/nu14010108.

Until tomorrow…