Marigold is a popular flower identifiable by its overpowering smell and lustrous golden bloom. This flower graces the beauty of autumn, but it is also abundant throughout spring and summer. I love to plant Marigold in my gardens

Marigold is a prolific spreader that can grow easily from its papery seeds. It is a low-maintenance plant, which makes it a good option for planting in gardens

It does have medicinal properties. I use it as a lymphagogue. It helps drain lymph and edema I use it with cleavers. Recently this weekend I discussed using it with another lymphagogue that I have never used before- violet.

Marigold has many uses. It can be used for Digestive complains as well as intestinal worms
Other uses include

Respiratory illness
Fluid retention
Sore eyes, cataracts, and macular degeneration
Menstrual disorder
Sore breast
Kidney problems and urinary infection
Bacterial infection

Bleeding disorders

After attending and speaking at the 3 rd American Herbal Guild Symposium I urge all naturopaths and herbalists who are not members - to join. Also join the United Plant Savers. I am proud to be a AHG professional member.

Until tomorrow…