DID YOU GET YOUR FLU SHOT THIS YEAR ? I did, but not the regular flu shot you might consider. I have been getting a homeopathic flu shot every year for more than 20 years.
You an still get sick and the flu, with the regular shot if the strains were not matched well with this years strains that result in the flu. I prefer the homeopathic flu shot as it covers more than the strains in the regular flu shot
The CDC ( Center of Disease Control) does ADMIT that the antibody response is lower in populations over 60, thus reducing the shot's effectiveness. This is what the CDC stated yet we push the older population over 60 years old to get the regular flu shot. Why ?
Recent studies show that obese individuals can't count of the flu shot as there is a significant higher decline in influenza antibodies compared to healthy weight individuals.
In absolute terms, it is estimated that the regular flu shot actually only prevents the flu in 1.5 adults out of a 100.
Since the shot does admit to have neurotoxins and carcinogens ( as mercury and formaldehyde) there is potential for long term accumulation and health consequence.
There is great research that shows that vitamin D supplementation can potentially cut the flu risk by 40%. Are you taking your Vitamin D ? You should be taking higher doses on Vitamin D from the Fall to March. I usually recommend 4,000 - 6,000 mg per day. Sometimes I even use much higher doses.
Until tomorrow...