Ergot is a fungus that is parasitic on cereal grains, especially rye. The special aspect of this fungus is that it has medicinal properties. Ergot contains many alkaloid substances which have been known to promote contractions in the smooth muscle. Ergot has a historical significance. In the past, if rye bread with the fungus was ingested, this resulted in a poisoning known as Ergotism. This was also known as St. Anthony's Fire. The victims had systemic convulsions and burning pains in both of their limbs. This is depicted in many historical medical texts as well as literature. In 1834 Fuchs found early references to ergotism in Annales Xantenses for the year 857 stating "a great plague of swollen blisters consumed the people by a loathsome rot (gangrene) so that their limbs were loosened and fell off."
Ergot is used in the obstetrical practice. It was initially used in China which quickly spread throughout Europe. Ergot is hemostatic. Ergonovine is administered in post-partum hemorrhage. Ergotamine is also administered with caffeine and used for treatment of migraines.
Until tomorrow..,