During this pandemic many individuals have become more anxious and depressed. It is understandable. I have been trying to think of a formula I could concoct which is easy for you to make at home. I decided to use powdered herbs, honey and raw pollen. The first two ingredients are easy for me since I can easily use my own honey from my beehives. The powdered formula consists of:

  1. 1 part chamomile powder

  2. 1 part lavender powder

  3. I part skullcap powder

  4. I part ashwagandha powder

    You will need 1 cup of raw honey and 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of raw pollen. Go easy of the lavender as more lavender makes the formula a bit bitter

    You will need to mix 6 teaspoons of thew powdered formula with 1 cup of raw honey and the raw pollen

    Now you can enjoy1-3 teaspoons daily. Keep in a cool, dry area

    Until tomorrow…