I am a beekeeper and also an apitherapist. What does this mean ? An apitherapist can be an individual who has a certificate in Medicinal Use of Apitherapy ( Bee Hive) products from the American Apitherapy Society ( www.apitherapy.org ) I am the Vice President of this organization. It sole prupose is toi educate individuals about apitherapy products- bee pollen, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, honey and bee venom. Yesterday I did a webnar with live demonstration of using bee venom on myself.
Bee venom has pother names all over the world. It can be referred to as apis mellifera, apitoxin, apis venenum and much more. There have been good studies on the use of bee venom for some medical conditions. The bee venom can be administered using a live bee or injected ( from a bottle of apitoxin) Bee venom contains mellitin, adolapin and apamine as well as many oither componets. All together these components act as anti inflammatory and anti oxidants
The diseases that can be dealt with dee venom are multiple sclerosis, arthritis, herpes zoster, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger fingers, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and much more.
There are documented studies citing the benefits of bee venom. An individual deciding on using bee venom should discuss with an apitherapist. The decision to start will depend on many factors in the patient’s history. Every patient should support their local beekeeper as well as join the AAS ( American Apitherapy Society)