All doctors have to realize this fact…Nutrition is one of the most important controllable therapies of preventing and fighting diseases. This is nutrition from your food and supplement. "“ Food is your medicine” I didn’t say that but Hippocrates did ! Unfortunately there are dietary fads. There are more than 100 diets on the market right now. Some diet have lasted like the Atkins Diet.
Who knows about nutrition. Certainly your mother, aunt and grandmothers have made observation about diet and nutrition through the centuries. Herbalists, farmers and vegetable farmers have made great observations. Research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids are essential for good heart, and brain health. One of my regrets is that I didn’t accept an offer to be the spokesperson for Nordic Naturals years ago. We know that eating saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats called omega 6 are bad. These interfere with many receptors in the body and cause disease.
Omega 6 oils are in corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil and canola oil. These must be avoided You need consume DHA and EPA components of omega 3 not omega 6. Many fish oils like Nordic Naturals contain more EPA than DHA. I try to take an extra DHA component for my brain Higher intake of DHA reduces incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by 60 %. You can also consume plant based omega from algae if you do not like omega oils from fish. Omega 3 reduces brain inflammation If you do not eat enough fish ( i use then consume omega 3 from algae