Slowly but gaining momentum is the presence of the Monarch Butterfly. There have been many books written about the Monarch Butterfly. As equally important to me as bees are the other pollinators. For this reason I read as much as I can. I plant flowers for are species of pollinators including the Monarch Butterfly. I am a activist on NO PESTICIDE use as this is the main reason for the decline in pollinator population as honeybees, brown bats, and butterflies.

Happiness comes in many forms. One of the happiest moments is sitting on my front porch watching the Monarch Butterflies on the Butterfly Bush.

Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) is a beautiful, fast-growing, deciduous shrub with masses of blossoms—long, spiked trusses—that bloom from summer to mid Fall. There are a variety of colors. I have a species of deep violet.

The monarch butterfly is in trouble. Their numbers are down 90% of what they w ere in 1992. And the milkweed plant population, which is indispensable to the monarch, is also down 90%. Milkweed plants are the only source of food for the monarch caterpillar. But these plants are rapidly disappearing, due to the loss of habitat stemming from land development and the widespread spraying of weed killer on the fields where they live.

You can help. Be an activist. Find a cause and help. Join . Recently I read about the epic migration of the monarch butterfly. It is amazing about their journey( or flight paths). I learned about east and west migration of this butterfly. Fascinating

Until tomorrow…