The question is “ To wear or not wear a mask” Since more individuals are being vaccinated is it necessary to wear a mask. ? There have been new criteria about the use of a mask. I know for a fact that Metro North commuters must wear a mask when in the station or on the train . This is also true on NYC transit subways and buses. I haven’t heard the latest on riding in a cab. There is a recent study published on the use of face masks. Most studies are focused on the protecting the wearer.
The negative effects of mask use was not reported. Among the adverse effects of mask wearing was difficulty breathing, facial irritation or discomfort. Some other effects reported were headache and warmth. Of course there is interference with communication or facial recognition. Mask contamination and misuse of wearing was noted.
Regardless of all of this—I feel mask should be worn of those individuals whom are not vaccinated. For those vaccinated it will be a personal choice. I will still chose to wear a mask. That is my decision
Until tomorrow…