We do know that certain hormones can add weight to your body. Harvard University studied this exact topic. These hormones usually stay balanced in our 20’s. But once you’re over 35… They become harder and harder for our bodies to regulate. I can relate to this as many of my patients can also
Your thyroid hormone regulates your metabolism. If your thyroid is slow also known as hypothyroidism —you can gain weight. Other signs and symptoms of a slow thyroid can be fatigue, cold hands and feet, hair loss, constipation and weight gain. You must see a doctor and have your thyroid hormones measured. I perform TSH free t3 , free t3, Thyroid peroxidase antibodies, thyroglobulin antibodies and reverse T3. I also measure selenium, zinc and copper as well as iodine. All of these can cause hypothyroidism.
I then measure cortisol which is the stress hormone from the adrenal glands. Cortisol responds to stressors in your life. I do practice Life on Life Terms but stress is stress. Once cortisol increases you start to feel the effects of living in a fright-fright mode and you start to notice increase weight in your abdominal area and hips. There are many adaptogenic herbs that help when your cortisol levels are high at the wrong times during the day. After a while our high cortisol causes adrenal burnout and you are tired in the morning but get a surge at the wrong times of the day. I measure cortisol and DHEA levels by saliva or by urine using the DUTCH test Ask your practitioner about these tests
Until tomorrow…