There are many botanicals used to treat and support patients with cancer. When I taught Integrative Oncology at the Naturopathic School of Medicine at the University of Bridgeport I discussed 50 plants that have been used. These range from different Mushrooms to Carnivora to Paw Paw ( or Soursop) to Ukraine. I also discussed Vitamin B17 also known as Laetrile from Apricot pits. There are new studies discussing the herb tumeric ( Curcuma longa ) from the National Institute of Cancer ( NIC) as well as Artemisia annua.
With countless life-changing properties known for over a thousand years, Artemisia annua is one of the most powerful and natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant in the world that supports the body’s immune system.
The Zagazig University in Egypt in 2020 studied Artemisia. They found that this herb extract has a tumor suppressive effect in anthracene induced breast cancer .
Every patient with cancer should seek integrative approaches in dealing with the treatment of their cancer. I believe and advocate that physicians of any discipline should discuss other options with their patient.
Until tomorrow…