In the past year there have lots of articles on medications and supplements used during a COVID infection or to prevent a COVID 19 infection. Here are my thoughts.

We as human do NOT make Vitamin C. It is important that we take supplements to support Vitamin C Our primary antioxidant is glutathione. Since COVID pandemic started I have been prescribing lots of supplements to support Vitamin C and glutathione levels I have been using high doses of intravenous Vitamin C in these patients. There are some doctors that feel no supplementation including Vitamin C can prevent or treat COVID 19. I disagree.

Oral glutathione supplements that include precursors as N - acetyl cysteine (NAC) and Vitamin C can effectively increase glutathione production hence improve outcome. I have even used glutathione by inhalation therapy in these patients with good results. A dose of intravenous NAC immediately loosens up a tight mucous bound chest

Both of my offices in New York City and in Fairfield Connecticut are using intravenous Vitamin C to improve outcomes and help patients to breathe easier

Until tomorrow…