Do you practice mindfulness? Do you even know what that means. One definition is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Recently I started reading a book by Dr Rochelle Calvert on a pathway to healing It is called Healing with Nature : Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma. This is the kind of book we need after this pandemic. She makes us each aware of the trauma we might have hidden or locked away.

The incredible point is to draw strenmgth from the environment or nature, It is a process and and an excellent process to underahnd somatic healing with nature and living into the aliveness with nature.

I practice mindfulness daily in my gardens in Connecticut. I practiced mindfulness when living in New York City on my terrace or at the park. II most enjoy practicing meditation and mindfulness near my bee hives. The sound of the bees centeres me

Get this book You will enjoy it and start mindfulness ( if you not practice it already )

Until tomorrow…