Yerterday was World Bee Day - May 20th These are five surprising things you might not know about nature's hardest working pollinators. As a beekeeper/apitherapist and Vice President of the American Apitherapy Society I feel I can talk about bees at length and at any time. I could write about bees every day Honeybees have changed my life in more ways than I could even describe.
All products of the beehive are used medicinally. This includes the pollen, the propolis, the royal jelly, the honey and of course the bee venom. These are scientific articles on the benefits of these products.
The American Apitherapy Society, Inc., a 501(c)(3) membership organization, was formed in New Jersey in 1989 as a reorganization of the North American Apiotherapy Society. Founded in 1978, the NAAS had contributed much to bee venom therapy research and education. However, in the years leading up to 1989 it became inactive as a result of inadequate funding, poor communication, and other limitations. As a result, a new organization was formed: the AAS. Officers and directors and advisors were Christopher M. Kim, M.D., president; James Belliveau, Ph.D., vice president; Harold Lenz, D.Sc., treasurer and acting secretary; Charles Mraz and Bradford Weeks, M.D., directors at large; and Ann W. Harman, advisor. The AAS’ mission was to promote and teach “the use of honeybee products to maintain and improve health, and to alleviate pain, suffering, and disability. Our Mission: Educate the public and health care community, about both the traditional and scientifically valid uses of Apitherapy.
Support this worthy organization Check out are website Become a member Send it to a friend. My work with this organization has changed me forever. The individuals I have met over the years are unique , knowledgable and passionate about bees and bee products. They are my friends and colleagues. Make a difference in the world Save our Honeybees
Unil tomorrow…