If you’ve ever been stressed or frustrated and have found yourself running to your sewing machine or beloved pastime to cool down and find your zen again. I find my zen when I needlepoint. You might find it in knitting. I know someone who finds it in making fabulous quilts. Recently I found an article that highliughted the benefits of sewing. I feel these same health benefits can extend to any hobby which allopws you to be calm.

Sewing requires concentration and hand-eye coordination, which helps with cognitive development and the development of motor skills.

  1. Sewing encourages creative thinking and enhances knowledge, which can help with problem-solving in other areas of your life.

  2. Upcycling clothing is good for the environment (and your wallet).

  3. Sewing increases nimbleness in the fingers and softens the joints in the fingers over time.

  4. Sewing is relaxing and can lead to a more steady heart rate, lower blood pressure, and less perspiration over time.

  5. The calming effects of sewing can reduce stress if your mind is focused on it.

  6. Sewing keeps the mind healthy and active so that your mind can stay sharper for longer. The creative thinking required during sewing encourages the growth of new brain cells.

  7. Sewing encourages self-discipline, accomplishments, and instills pride, which boosts mental health.

    I am all about finding a hobby. It not only has the health benefits above but iot boosts your self esteem

    Until tomorrow…