The words on most lips are not about the next TV personality entering the Royal family, but instead what vaccine did you get. It may be about the recall of Johnson and Johnson vaccine. There are now reports about those who received a vaccine are most suspectible to other illnesses.

“ An October 2020 paper stressed that “COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated,” and criticized vaccine makers for not clearly informing participants in current vaccine trials of this risk”

A report from Israili researchers stated “ Israeli researchers compared 400 individuals who had tested positive for the South African B.1.351 SARS-CoV-2 variant after receiving at least one dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine against 400 unvaccinated individuals who had been infected. Among those who received two doses of the vaccine, the variant was eight times more prevalent than in unvaccinated individuals (5.4% compared to 0.7%) “

I felt you had to know there would a slap to the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. It was eneviatble . I do believe not all of the data of these vaccines were disclosed to patients including myself. The ADE ( antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) )of virus infection was not properly explained to patients.

Dr Mercola in his recent discussion has explained this phenomenon very well in layman terms. I suggest reading his recent contribtuion It explains why those that werree vaccinated are more susceptible to other viruses and diseases. See www.drmercola.com

Until tomorrow…