I am a proponent of low dose naltrexone( LDN). I have been using LDN for mroe than two decades. I was ahead of the curve on its use for autoimmune diseases as lupus, rheumatoid and hashimoto’s thyroiditis ( autoimmne thyroiditis) I myself used LDN to redcue my need for natural thyroid medications. I stopped using synthetic thyroids decades ago.

I use LDN in patients with cancer, patients with Lyme Disease and opatients with documented mast cell activation syndrome .

From this months Townsend Letter:

There are several gastrointestinal (GI) diseases and disorders for which low dose naltrexone has been applied as a therapeutic agent. The pathological factors that allow for the use of LDN in gut disorders and diseases include uncontrolled inflammation, abnormal immunity, increased intestinal permeability, increased visceral hypersensitivity, abnormal motility, and unregulated cellular growth.

The potential use of LDN or endorphins to treat motility disorders is not well known by clinicians. If LDN does lead to improved motility, then it could be used to treat constipation, abnormal small intestinal motility, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and gastroparesis.

I have used it in documented cases of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. For this disorders since complex it is not the only treatment., The treatment for documented MAST cell activation syndrome is immense.

Until tomorrow…